Please enjoy these book reviews from readers of Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes – A Spiritual Adventure into Life’s Labyrinth. The book is available for purchase on Amazon, Kindle, and also available on Amazon Europe. You may also enjoy inspirational quotes from the book here.
C. Campbell
“Dorit Brauer’s book is a riveting blend of adventure and introspection that transports the reader to a place they’ve never gone before and leaves them wanting more and with new ideas of where to start. I loved it. She’s Amazing.”
“Dorit Brauer’s memoir of her cross country motorcycle trip weaves together so many threads of experience that we all go through when considering the meaning our lives. She reflects the personal and historical perspective of the countries she has called home onto the road ahead her. She shares her experience of coming to a deeper understanding of herself through the labyrinth walks that are the markers for this spiritual journey. This book is a good ride with lots of humor and a narrator that makes the world, motorcycles and labyrinths accessible to everyone.”
“I am amazed and inspired by Dorit’s many courageous travels. Her ability to share her stories of life and its lessons in such beautiful and elegant words is a true gift. A must read for anyone interested in understanding more about the journey of the soul.”
“Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes traces a very personal journey in funny, life-affirming, and sometimes poignant anecdotes, and through it offers some universal lessons on love, forgiveness, and living one’s life with intent. In Dorit’s long journey across the country to walk labyrinths, it is the trip itself that becomes the healing labyrinth, and the miles of road that bring clarity.
This book is a great reminder to slow down and pay more attention to the scenery.”
“I just finished the book and loved it! I really felt like I was traveling along on this journey with Dorit. Her writing style is very engaging and the book has a great flow to it. I admire the courage it took for Dorit to share personal stories along with introducing the history and power of labyrinths. I have been inspired to incorporate labyrinths into my own personal journey.”
“What a moving, inspirational and beautiful read. Dorit’s storytelling is so captivating, you feel as though you are with her on her journey — both the physical and the spiritual one. Plus, there is so much wisdom to take in and apply to your own life as you enjoy her book. I highly recommend it, and have already purchased two additional books for my mother and sister-in-law.”
E. Hart
“This is a great book! It’s a fast read because it’s so well written. It is so meaningful and insightful. The reader will stretch their mind and be captivated by the sights and sounds of the cross country journey and coming of age story. Thanks, Ms. Brauer for the inspirational lessons.”
“In Dorit’s memoir, Girls’s Don’t Ride Motorbikes, the courage it took to ride across the U.S. and back is inspiring. Dorit’s story of past, present and future unfolds within the many Labyrinths walked on her journey. My eyes have forever been opened to the real purpose of walking a Labyrinth. Thank you, Dorit. Your writing is just as beautiful as you.”
Toby Evans
“Dorit’s 7,430-mile motorcycle adventure is a vision quest on wheels. Her words guide us through a rich, inner journey activated by the Labyrinth’s gift of self-reflection. Dorit serves as the ultimate “Field Connector,” weaving the energy fields of one labyrinth to the next across the United States through her own physical body. Her courage and willingness to make this journey has strengthened the radiating circuits – uniting us all. Take a ride with her and begin your own inner pilgrimage.”
Book Review by Sig Lonegren
Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes – A Spiritual Adventure Into Life’s Labyrinth chronicles a modern day pilgrimage in which Dorit Brauer embarks onto a 7,430 mile solo motorcycle adventure across the US to walk labyrinths.
On her journey, Dorit recounts poetic life stories spanning her youth on a dairy farm in Germany, a 10-week solo backpacking trip in Brazil, the turmoil of living in Tel Aviv, to her most recent chronicles in the United States. As Dorit travels cross-country from labyrinth to labyrinth, these stories are woven together intricately to provide insights allowing the reader to reflect on their own spiritual journey.
The title of the book, Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes, comes from a mantra of Dorit’s youth, embedded into her mind by her father. Born from very traditional parents with their own expectations, Dorit had the courage to make her own path. She pursued everything she wasn’t supposed to do and found adventure and true fulfillment in life.
She is living her best life and through her example inspires everyone else to listen to their inner yearnings and follow the voice of their hearts.
British labyrinth expert and author Sig Lonegren, says Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes – A Spiritual Adventure Into Life’s Labyrinth feels like a gentle overview of alternative thinking wrapped in a “Travels with Charley” (Steinbeck) package.
Book Review from Jodi Lorimer
Author of Dancing at the Edge of Death
Dorit Brauer, staring down the barrel of her 40th birthday, did what any sensible woman would do; hop on a motorcycle and brave almost 7500 miles of hideous weather, seek deep insight at retreat centers, probe the emotional minefields of her youth, and find spiritual enlightenment at the center of labyrinths all across the US. That is if that sensible woman was made of the same determined, strong and unwavering spiritual and emotional courage as herself. Personally on my 40th I think I pulled the covers up and went back to sleep.
Brauer is a Renaissance woman; artist, healer, writer and workshop facilitator and probably a mechanic as well. She has an enviable ease with her spirit-body connection, a sensitivity to Earth energies and a fierce determination to engage the difficulties of life for the joy of transcending them. As she puts miles behind her on the road, she muses on her girlhood on a farm in Germany, the death of a young friend that inspired her questioning the after-life, escaping her parents’ vision of what should be ‘her good life’ to marry a nice man and have children, her life in Tel Aviv as a German among Jews during Desert Storm and the spiritual paths she has subsequently walked.
The occasional stops for gas, food and hobnobbing with baffled locals act as touch-down points along an otherwise ethereal landscape. Every storm, cast of shadow or random event becomes a metaphor for the life she is materializing into being from the past. The extended metaphor of life’s journey along the highways of life wrap neatly into the labyrinthine spiritual experiences she finds, passing through frontiers of many makings. Serendipitous events abound reinforcing the theme of making manifest the life you desire and boldly engaging the necessary changes to fully embrace the responsibility and joy of a life well-lived.
Labyrinth enthusiasts will find mention of familiar names and places. Personally, I envy her fearless willingness and adept ability to enter into visionary altered states that act as cosmic signboards along her Road of Life. Walking naked through Toby Evans’ Prairie Labyrinth is now on my bucket list. I only hope it is half as rewarding as Dorit’s.
Brauer is an inspiration to shake off spirit-numbing habits and throw oneself into the stuff of life. As she quotes a friend, ‘our heads are round so our thoughts can change direction.’ Indeed, the circles, cycles and spirals of motion in her book propel us through a journey that is as fresh as summer breeze. One is encouraged to stick your head out the window like a puppy to lap up the joy. Or, better yet, get on a bike.