Dorit Brauer’s
Artist Statement

Blossom into being artist statement
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The Cosmic Resurgence Series
My vision for the paintings of the Cosmic Resurgence Series is to restore inner balance and tranquility for the viewer. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea, reconnecting us to the most innate feeling of belonging. Blue calms, takes away the heat and invites flow like water, while invoking peaceful states of mind.
I consider the creation of art a sacred ritual. Before I pick up the paintbrush there is a long preparation involving meditation, sketching, journaling and reflection.
The blue paintings of the Cosmic Resurgence series build on a technique that I developed at the beginning of my art career while living in the Mediterranean. The effects of the pigments on wet oil emphasize intuitive flow and spontaneity.
The original blue series was inspired by a dream about a visit to my hometown in Rees, Germany, where I saw the River Rhine and the lush landscape exclusively in different shades of blue. The intensity of the dream opened a space within that I needed to capture in my art. Now, 30 years later, I revisited this inner space and new doors to new blue landscapes opened. Under each layer of blue are abundant layers of colorful shapes and forms; their essence shines through and one may sense the richness beneath the surface.
The Unwinding Series
My inspiration for the paintings of the Unwinding Series is to serve as a positive catalyst by bringing light and playfulness to the viewer.
These bold and colorful oil paintings emerged over the course of eight to twelve months, allowing two to three weeks for the oil paint to dry after each new layer, while working on multiple canvases simultaneously.
The viewer is invited to trace the unwinding patterns as they create a flow that extends far beyond the canvas. The eyes, fingertips and, soon, the whole body may move with an inner rhythm that has been awakened. At this point one might feel the urge to move lightly or even dance! These paintings are an invitation to be in the moment, listen within and follow the next impulse, leading to a natural unwinding of the body and spirit.
The vibrant primal colors resonate within us, too, and influenced by our life experiences prompt an inner response. I invite you to check out the Color of Life Guided Meditation, which is a building block for my art and enhances your personal understanding of each color.
Everything in the universe vibrates; it unwinds, flows, and spins.
This constant movement of creation is present in our physical bodies, it’s flow and change is essential. The Unwinding on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual level is needed to maintain health and balance.
Watch my newest video and learn What Inspires Me To Paint.