Practical Solutions for Joyful Living
Learn easy to practice tools to be happy every day and live your most extraordinary life.
- Step into your power
- De-clutter your life
- Eliminate fear, anger and worry
- Learn the key to wise decision-making
- Rewrite your life-story
- Activate your inner guidance system
- Harmonize your inner & outer spaces
- Discover the multi-dimensional essence of who you are
- Realize the inter-connectedness of all that is
- Learn the power of Win-Win consciousness
- Experience the magnificence of positive connection
- Build your network of happiness
- Live your most extraordinary life
Comprehensive class material will be e-mailed following each lesson for your at home study.
Students who completed Dorit’s 8-week meditation classes at the Center for Integrative Medicine at UPMC and at Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield experienced the following benefits:
- 75% improved sleep
- 74% decreased pain
- 82% improved concentration and energy level
- 92% decreased anxiety
- 100% improved well-being and ability to cope with stress
You can expect to experience these positive benefits and many more by taking this course.
Classes take place every Tuesday starting March 30. to June 1. 2021
from 7 – 8:30 pm EST
Via Zoom Invitation upon receiving your payment.
$ 255 USD

Please be inspired by the testimonials and see how a meditation course with Dorit will benefit you.
Contact Dorit or call 412 – 925 – 0812 for more info.
Cancellation Policy: No refunds. It is the responsibility of the student to appear in class on the correct day and hour without additional notice.