Wheels of Power – Chakra Balancing Workshop

Dorit Brauer Sound Bath Meditation Art of Living

Empowered Living Series – The Art of Living Well Step into your Power. Live your Best Life. Thrive.  Wheels of Power – Chakra Balancing Sound Bath Meditation Workshop Activate your […]

A Life Review Creates Success

Abstract Art

A Life Review Creates Clarity and Success As 2023 is coming to an end, you are invited to take inventory of your life and create your personal life review. I […]

Chakra Balancing Sound Bath Meditation Workshop

Dorit Brauer Sound Bath Meditation Art of Living

In-Person Meditation & Guided Imagery Workshop Achieve Inner Balance and Equilibrium. Activate your Energetic and Metaphysical Power Centers. Communicate with your Higher Self. Step Into your Bliss. Learn to heal […]

The Key to Successful Living

Nemacolin Luxury Resort

The Importance of Setting a Positive Intention for the Day! Create happiness, fulfillment, joy, beauty and abundance with an easy to practice morning routine. How you start your day is […]

Inspired By Nature

Nemacolin Woodlands Resort

Nourishing our Artist Souls at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort and Ohiopyle State Park I had the great pleasure to enjoy a wonderful time exploring Nemacolin Woodlands Resort and Ohiopyle State Park […]

online 4-week Open Your Heart Course

meditation mindfulness

Join this life-changing meditation course Newest scientific research shows that the heart contains around 40.000 brain-like cells called sensory neurites, which can store information independently from the brain. The electrical […]

The Sound of Healing

Artist Art Dorit Brauer

Do you ever sigh? Do you raise your voice? Do you gasp for air? These may be indicators that you are internalizing your stress and tension. Your voice gives clues […]

The Breath of Life

Artist Art Dorit Brauer

The steady rhythm of your breath represents the continuous flow of life, a continuous exchange of giving and receiving. Inhalation represents tension or action and exhalation represents relaxation, letting go […]

2012 Book Launch Party

Dorit Brauer's Book Party Pittsburgh 2012

May 5. 2012 I had the great pleasure to host the Book Launch Party celebrating the publication of my auto-biography Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes – A Spiritual Adventure Into Life’s Labyrinth […]

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